SPIO Makes an Impact!

kabir-web.jpgEight year old Kabir has multiple diagnoses: microcephaly, seizure disorder, diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism, and cortical visual impairment.

“Kabir holds a lot of tension in his arms, shrugging his shoulders and pulling his arms into his chest,” says his physical therapist Laura. “This makes things like dressing and bathing very challenging, and the tightness is painful for him. He loves his SPIO arm sleeves, because they help him to relax. He has less pain and is able to use his hands to operate toys and switches for communication and play.”


The great thing about SPIO orthotics, says production manager Christie Skoorsmith, is that “it works for children with a wide variety of diagnoses. Children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and even autism have had success with it.”

In 2006, Children’s Therapy Center began manufacturing and distributing SPIO orthotics as a way to provide revenue to support its nonprofit mission. The business has grown to become one of the top three flexible orthotic companies in the nation and is sold internationally by more than 18 distributors.

Members of the SPIO team traveled to Argentina in June to provide a workshop for local therapists, doctors and surgeons who had just started using SPIO. “Our goal was to educate clinicians in the theory and practice of SPIO orthotics,” says Christie. “We also had an opportunity while there to learn more about the complex import process in Argentina and all the regulations and requirements we must meet in order to serve that market.”

It’s exciting for Christie and the entire SPIO team to witness the growth of SPIO. “We’ve more than doubled our net income in the past three years,” she says, “and we’re looking to expand even further. It’s nice to know the SPIO products are available to children all over the world. And our revenue goes right back to Children’s Therapy Center to support the programs and services we provide for local children with special needs. It’s an incredible win-win for all!”

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