Meet Kristina!

What do you enjoy and value most about working at CTC as a physical therapist in the Early Supports program?  I love the opportunity to play with the birth-to-3-year-old heroes of our community, but even more, I love being able to support and empower the parents and caregivers of our community. A caregiver’s smile, their beaming pride, and sometimes tears of joy… that is what fills my heart. 

What is your favorite therapy activity (or home hack) to share with families?  Using refrigerators or sliding doors is a go-to activity for encouraging pulling-to-stand, standing, and squatting play. Depending on what’s in the home, it’s also fun to use vertical surfaces (like mirrored walls or glass doors) to play with shaving cream or lotion, magnets, or pieces of foam. 

About Kristina: Originally from New York, it’s just me and my mini-dachshund, Monte, here in Puyallup! As a wandering soul, I love traveling to see new places, old friends, and my lovely family. I enjoy exploring the outdoors, be it the mountains or the beaches. Puppy play dates and game nights are my favorite pastime these days. Fun fact: I’ve lived here in Washington the longest than any other state since becoming a physical therapist 12 ½ years ago, and CTC has a lot to do with that!

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