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Support CTC on Giving Tuesday!

Children’s Therapy Center is a nonprofit organization, meaning we depend on financial support from our community to maintain and expand the services we provide for children and families.

This year, two generous donors are matching every donation made to CTC up to $15,000! You can DOUBLE the impact of your gift to CTC by donating between now and December 31.

A donation of $20 would have the impact of twice that amount!

Donate button

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of children with developmental differences and disabilities. Thank you for your support!


Meet Ashley!

Ashley is a Family Resources Coordinator (FRC) in our Tacoma location. Learn more about why she loves her job so much and how she helps families!

Being a former CTC parent, I often empathize with the journey and hold space with my families. I share that this is a journey and that I am here to support and provide resources and connections to the community.

CTC Impact Report

YOU Made a Difference!

CTC’s annual Impact Report highlights the many ways in which our community and staff have come together in support of children all over south King and Pierce counties.

Read our stories and celebrate the milestones with us!

City of Kent Employee Charity Committee Supports CTC

On Tuesday, November 21, CEO Nichelle Brown (center) and program director Jodi VanVleet (third from right) accepted a generous donation of $9,013 from the City of Kent Employee Charity Committee to support the services CTC provides to local children and families.

“We are so thrilled to receive this kind of support from the city of Kent!” said Nichelle. “It is incredibly gratifying that the city employees selected CTC as a nonprofit to support in 2023. We have a strong presence in Kent and are so happy to be of service!”

A mother holding her infant as the baby gazes at her.

King County Annual Legislative Forum on December 7 — Mark your Calendars!

The King County Developmental Disabilities Legislative Forum is an opportunity to educate elected officials on issues that are important to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) or delays and their families, friends, and supporters. 

New this year: a family room and quiet room to make the event more comfortable and welcoming for attendees.

The event takes place on Thursday, December 7th, 2023 from 6:00-8:30 pm. Please consider attending and let your voice be heard! Click here for more information.

Autism Workshops at CTC

Last Autism Workshop for 2023 is November 29!

Join us on Wednesday, November 29 for the next workshop: “Au-some Girls!” How do autistic girls differ from autistic boys, and why are they diagnosed less frequently?

This workshop is open to CTC families and members of the community and are FREE to attend. Please spread the word!